Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yay, Me!

So I've been doing this Spark People thing for almost a week now and yesterday was the first day I managed to record EVERYTHING I ate. And I did great!! I'm so proud of me!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I hope you've done your seismic retro-fitting

This is a story. A true story about me. Once upon a time I was a little girl. I had a great life. Then my dad died. Apparently I ate everything in sight to deal with it. I don't know, I was seven. Then I got older. My family tried this, that, and the other to get me to lose weight. I don't much care for other people telling me what to do, even if they do have the best of intentions.

Now I'm even older than I was then. In May of 1995, I weighed 364 lbs. Then I had weight-loss surgery. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure. It was great! Unfortunately for me and the surgeon, I'm too smart. I passed their little psychological test that said I knew this wasn't a cure-all for my problems and that I had to learn healthy eating habits, exercise, blah blah blah. Except the "secret" me didn't believe that I guess. After a year, I had lost about 130 lbs. I never did start a fitness program. The man I loved came back from a mission for our church in August 1996. We had a brief courtship where I drove him insane and forced him to marry me in June of 1997. Here we are 9 years later and I weigh more now than I did before the surgery. A lot more.

Obviously, I am not happy about this. I am so screwed up that even though I had lost that 130 lbs. and seen people I went to high school with that didn't recognize me I looked so different, I still couldn't go through with attending our reunions. You can imagine how messed up I feel now! Then there's the mental health issues that I struggle with. Part of it's hereditary (my family tree is full of nuts!), part of it's because of my weight, and part of it is... the luck of the draw? I don't know. At least I don't smoke or feed my kids Pine-Sol laced applesauce, right?

So here's the plan. I've actually admitted to people other than myself how rotten I feel. How scared I am. How ashamed...

And here's what I'm going to do about it:

1) I am absolutely, for real this time, NOT going to eat at fast-food places, ever.

2) I have joined an online weight loss community called Spark People. I have some friends there. We motivate eachother.

3) I have to move it, move it. McDonald's gave me their Cardio DVD when I bought their Asian salad last week. Sure, it's only 15 minutes. But the sad truth is, I'll be lucky if I can last even that long.

4) Honey and I are going to do "the Hundred" every night right after we put the kids to bed. I'll probably do it a couple of other times during the day, too. But once is all I'll torture him with.

That's probably all I can handle.

I don't care who reads this. But my shame is so great right now that if you happen to be an immedate family member of mine and stumble across this, I will disown you if you mention it to me in person. If you feel the need to randomly complement me, however, please... be my guest!

Until next time.

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