Friday, July 28, 2006



"You must be careful how you walk and where you go, for there are those following you who will set their feet where yours are set." - Robert E. Lee, Civil War General

Well now that's a scary thought! Or is it? The reasons for my being fat are many. If my children become fat, there will only be one: ME. They watch what I do. They eat what I eat. They want what I want.

I must have done something right with my firstborn, he eschews sodas & snacks for healthier things. Given a choice between french fries or a side salad at the drive-thru, he'll pick the salad. My other two sons go for the fries and soda (or chocolate milk) every time. They've been watching me a little too closely! Aside from wanting to lose weight because I am disgusted with what I see in the mirror and how I feel physically worn out every day, I want to set a good example for my children. I don't want them to struggle as I have. So I finally gave up soda for good. In the last 4 weeks I have broken down and had it 4 times, but aside from the time where I had none for 2 years straight, this is the best I've ever done. And it hasn't been hard. Just expensive! I've started buying flavored waters and other drinks to treat myself, and my husband noticed. He's proud of me, but more than that, I'm proud of me too. Now, if I can just get my younger ones to follow suit...

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