Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Little Sweeties

I am in love. With a tomato. A teeny, tiny, scrumptious little red tomato. It's about as big as my fingernail. I bought three pints of them and have forbidden my children from eating them. They can have the other tomatoes we have, but these are MINE!!!

I've been having a difficult time lately. My will and esteem have been low and going lower. It's been too easy for me to make the wrong choice in a given circumstance, and today I decidecd to take myself back. The boys are starting school on Monday and I will be all by myself with just the little one. Nobody will be whining at me to take them out to lunch, nobody will be whining at me because they don't like what I've fixed for lunch at home, I can eat all the gourmet and healthy foodstuffs I want!

And I'm startin' with these termaters...

Oh...tomatoes... I may cry thinking about them. I love tomatoes - but not just any tomatoes. The best, best,best tomatoes were the ones hot from the sun, fresh from my Grandaddy's farm. He died last this is the first summer of no tomatoes from Grandaddy's farm.

Yup. I am crying.

Anyway... I am glad you're taking yourself back!!
I've gone 3 weeks without a soda. Until today. DH left 1/2 a Pepsi in the fridge and I couldn't resist. I've been up since 5 and and "needed' it. Crap...I suck!
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